Helping Communities Re-Invent and Re-Imagine the Future

The demolition industry is making way for a better world. At McLeRoy, we take pride in making a fresh canvas to help the next generations developments realize new opportunities.

How Demolition Benefits You:

Environmental Stewardship

Recycling materials for reuse preserves the environment and makes economic sense. Safely removing toxic hazards protects the public and the environment.


Demolition creates green space, making our cities safer and more livable. Renovated and restored historical buildings become beautiful and useful again and help build pride in community.


Disaster response is fundamental part of demolition that plays a key part in clean up, reconstruction, providing hope, and a better future for citizens.

Clearing the Way for a Greener Path

McLeRoy performs clearing for many different applications including clearing for mass earthwork sites, utilities, and ROW’s. We also see the value in recycling as much wood / debris as possible during clearing operations to help preserve our environment.

While other firms only remove and recycle the logs from trees, we go the extra mile to grind and haul smaller limbs and branches to a power plant to be processed and burned for electricity.

Maintaining the Safest Practices

At McLeRoy, there is nothing of greater importance than safety and loss prevention. We believe accidents resulting in employee injury or illness and damage to property and equipment represent needless waste and loss. That’s why it is the policy of McLeRoy to conduct all operations safely to help prevent injuries and illness to employees and damage to property.